Written by 12:30 pm Ovarian Cancer Views: 36

Written by James Moore Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Trial Shows Potential

ovarian cancer

According to reporting in investing.com, the biopharmaceutical company Allarity Therapeutics has recently stated that is has reached a new milestone during its phase 2 clinical trial. This trial is evaluating the novel therapy stenoparib as a treatment for ovarian cancer that is advanced and recurrent. Two of the trial participants have been receiving the therapy for over a year, a noteworthy achievement considering that the patients involved have already undergone extensive treatment and have very limited options left to them.

About The Trial

This trial is underway at several different sites in the UK and the US and so far, it has resulted in complete responses in some patients. Meanwhile, others have shown stable disease (not progressing) while using stenoparib. 

About Stenoparib

Stenoparib is classified as dual inhibitor tankyrase and PARP enzymes. These play a role in cell proliferation and the repair of DNA. 

About Ovarian Cancer 

Ovarian cancer can appear on or within the ovary. Ovarian cancer rarely causes distinctive symptoms in its early stages, so many patients are often diagnosed with advanced disease. The risk of getting ovarian cancer is connected to how long a woman has ovulated during her life; women who ovulate for longer periods are at greater risk. Late menopause or early puberty are risk factors, as are not having children, fertility medication, certain genetic variants and mutations (such as BRCA mutations), and exposure to talc, herbicides, and pesticides. Some symptoms of ovarian cancer include fatigue, bloating, a feeling of fullness, loss of appetite, indigestion, abdominal swelling, and pelvic pain. Treatment can include chemo, radiation, surgery, hormone therapy, and immunotherapy. There are many different kinds of ovarian cancer. Five-year survival rate is 45% in the US. To learn more about ovarian cancer, click here.

Editor’s Note: Get Involved

Cancer doesn’t discriminate. WHATNEXT and its partners are interested in amplifying the voices of those from all identities and backgrounds. If you have a cancer journey to share, reach out here to learn more about how your voice can help spread awareness and inspire individuals from all walks of life.

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Last modified: October 11, 2024
