Written by 9:46 am Neuroblastoma Views: 18

Written by WHATNEXT Staff Neuroblastoma

The Challenges of Rare Pediatric Cancer Fundraising

Our partners over at rare disease website Patient Worthy has just published an article by Erin Santos-Primis, the Executive Director of the Isabella Santos Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to fundraising support for pediatric cancer. In the article, Erin outlines where she and many other rare disease non-profits run into challenges when fundraising for their cause. Erin says:

“Despite our growth, we find ourselves in what I call the “messy middle” of the fundraising landscape. This is where many family-run nonprofits often reside, raising between $2 million and $6 million annually. It’s a challenging space–not grassroots enough to attract local enthusiasm and not large enough to command the respect and attention of major healthcare institutions or make significant strides in funding clinical trials.”

Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month is in September — a big time for fundraising. To learn more about Erin’s view on the subject, head on over to Patient Worthy to check it out. You can also learn more about pediatric cancer awareness by visiting the Isabella Santos Foundation homepage.

Editor’s Note: Get Involved

Cancer doesn’t discriminate. WHATNEXT and its partners are interested in amplifying the voices of those from all identities and backgrounds. If you have a cancer journey to share, reach out here to learn more about how your voice can help spread awareness and inspire individuals from all walks of life.

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Last modified: August 27, 2024
