Written by 1:30 pm Cancer Views: 30

Written by James Moore Cancer

Research Breakthrough: Scientists May Have Discovered How Tumor Cells Outwit the Immune System

WHATNEXT partner Patient Worthy recently published an article about a recent study that could highlight an important mechanism which cancer cells exploit in order to evade attack by the immune system. The findings could help scientists develop new therapeutic approaches that undermine this mechanism.

Author Rose Duesterwald notes:

According to senior study author Dr. Leonid Pobezinsky, his team’s recent discovery found that T cells and T regulatory cells, two important types of cancer-fighting cells in the body’s immune system, may absorb some of a tumor’s cytoplasm (liquid within the cell) and incorporate it into their cytoplasm. Although scientists have been aware for some time that cells have been exchanging cellular material, the T cell transfers from tumor cells have never before been observed.

Check out the full article here.

Editor’s Note: Get Involved

Cancer doesn’t discriminate. Patient Worthy and its partners are interested in amplifying the voices of those from all identities and backgrounds. If you have a cancer journey to share, reach out here to learn more about how your voice can help spread awareness and inspire individuals from all walks of life.

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Last modified: March 5, 2024
